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What's New?


I just returned from Asia with my best good dudes and photos are now in the Gallery! Thailand was an Eye opening experience and I can not Wait to return.

 I smell a trip to Colorado on the Horizon to celebrate one of those dudes getting married as well, which means more climbing and adventuring, not to mention Alex and Jacquie Denner getting hitched. June is gonna be awesome!


There will be a book coming out mid 2019 with all my favorite prints from my travels in the summer of 2018. The best part is i'll tell everyone how to do all of these things without breaking the bank and having the ultimate adventure in the process. I'll have an update late february with the process. Keep checking back!

Bob Ross Challenge!

last month I was been busy shooting season 2 of this short form web series for Mashable. Comedians attempt to paint in real time with the ASMR legend himself. Its been a great experience with amazing people. It's also for a great cause; The proceeds go to Lymphoma Research.

Seasons 1, 2 and 3 are available at Mashable this month.

The Attendant

I was the CInematographer on this project who recently won best screenplay (Caron A Levis) and actress (Leigh Adel-Arnold) at Sunscreen Film Festival west 2018 and shows at the Garden State Film Festival the end of march and several others across the tristate area. I am Very proud to have been a part of this small but very tight crew of Professionals. 

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